I remove the insides of a dead-ish TrippLite ISOBAR power strip and it’s probably good to fall asleep to.
DATA GRAVE ⚰ Underground Backup Servers

Related video: QILIPSU Outdoor Enclosure with a Computer Inside… Because. Visit the Data Grave coffins: outdoor.s.co.tt Hi, I’m Scott and today we’re going to talk about a couple of computers I buried in my backyard to create a data graveyard. They’re Raspberry Pies, which are great for this purpose as they’re compact and consume very little power, meaning they can be supplied by power over ethernet and won’t cause rampant heat dissipation issues. But they’re also pretty good for their intended purpose: Backups. If you’ve seen a couple of my other videos, you know I tend to go on rants about backing up data. For me, and many of you, most of the content I generate is digital. Losing all … Continue reading